
Archive for April, 2007

Since January 8th, it seems I have not only been making excuses for my well-being or lack of, but I have come to the realization that if you don’t have physical health your life can really really become a hindrance. Did any of that make sense? Probably not, but it is my blog and I live with this mutative virus and so I will leave it.

Jan. 8th, it was suggested I receive a bag of Zometa it is supposed to help the bone make bone. I have severe Osteoporosis.Will know in a few weeks if it made a difference. Also will know in a few weeks what condition my liver is in. Notice I didn’t say where the liver is…hahaaaa….I know where it is..in my body. Ha!

Knowing that people deal with Cancers, Appendages being gone..etc… truly I try to not whine, complain or moan and groan. Operative word being ‘try’.

Will catch up and add the new info I have gotten.
Here’s hoping everyone has a Great Weekend ….
Happy Easter.
Blessings for Passover.

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